2.1. The editorial board sends all submitted articles for review. The reviewers are the acknowledged experts on the theme of the review subject with publications on this theme published in last three years. The reviews are kept in the editorial office during 5 years.
2.2. The reviewers should adhere the journal policies for reviewing and the ethic guidelines.
2.3. The editorial board makes a decision about the publication based on the reviewer's expert judgments taking into account the correspondence of the contributed materials with the thematic scope of journal, its scientific importance and actuality.
2.4. The editorial board avoids involving as reviewers people probably having the conflict of interest. The authors can inform the editorial board about the people whose contribution as reviewers is not desirable because of conflict of interest possibility. The reasoning of this view is required.
2.5. The authors can recommend the experts on the article subject to be invited as reviewers (no more than 2 persons) if they meet the requirements of paragraph 2.1. The reviewers selection is the exclusive right of the editorial board.
2.6. The editorial board sends the copies of reviews or the reasonable refusal to the authors. The editorial board is obliged to send the copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation if the corresponding request is received.
2.7. If a manuscript needs revision, it is sent to the authors with the reports of reviewer and science editor. If a manuscript needs revision, it is sent to the authors with the reports of reviewer and science editor. The authors should close out all review and edition comments and reply all remarks. If the authors don’t agree with the reviewer or editor, they have to reason their case briefly and sharp. After revision the article is sent for the review again. Then the editorial board makes a decision about the possibility of publication.
2.8. The article has been sent for the revision after reviewing should be returned to the editors with necessary improvements and corrections within up to 30 continuous days from the receipt date. In this case the first date of its submitting is kept. If the article is returned after this period it will have the new submitting date.
2.9. The editorial board is entitled to reject articles without review if those are prepared improperly or do not conform to the subject of journal.