Text of the article is typed in Microsoft Word in format B5 (182x257 mm). Margins: top - 1,7 cm; bottom - 1.7 cm; left - 2.3 cm; right - 2.3 cm.
Font - Times New Roman, font size - 11 pt, indention - 0.7 cm., line spacing - single; text alignment - in width.
Not allowed additional formatting (like inserting breaks for sections; in adjacent columns of the table to place figures and the continuation of the text etc.).
The mandatory structural elements of the paper are:
Abstract and summary. Abstract written in one paragraph up to 0.5 pp. In an extremely condensed form it presents the essence of the work and the results achieved. Summary which concludes the article should contain a generalization of the results achieved, without repeating the annotation and not limited to a simple repetition of what has been done in the work.
The content of the article All scientific articules should be presented in a clear and structured way, including introduction, where current state of the problem and importance of the solution is highlighed. Then the definition of task being solved, proposed methods and their validity, achieved results, their advantages and disadvantages, the level of novelty, quality and importance comparing to known approaches. The journal publishes articles of 10 to 20 pages (plus list of references). It's recommended to include no more than 8 graphs or tables.
Tables and illustrations. All tables and figures placed in the article (drawings, diagrams, charts, computer printouts, diagrams, photographs) should be referred in the text as a link. Each illustration should have a meaningful name and number. Use sequentially numbered (in Arabic numerals) within the article, independently for figures and tables. It is recommended to minimize the number of figures and tables.
Tables are numbered, if their number is more than one. Title is required when the table has a significant value, no heading of the table which provides only auxiliary info. If there is no data in the column it should be filled with a dash. Numerical data in the tables shouldn't be accompanied by the unit value, the latter should be put in the text outset, the column title or the name of the table. The table name is centered, font size - 10 pt, bold. Text table - 10 pt.
Images must be carefully prepared for publication in electronic form (scanned or made in the graphical editor) and inserted into the text of the article. Drawings made by using drawing tools, MS Office, must be completely grouped.
Charts should be clearly marked in the appropriate units and the digital display on the coordinate axes, as well as a complete system of indexes of all the curves in the figure captions or text. All curves have to be drawn clear lines of the same thickness, sufficient for a clear view in the drawing. The numbering of the curves in the figures should start from one and processed from top to bottom, left to right.
If there is only one figure in the paper, it is not numbered. Figure captions - font size 10 pt, explanation of the caption - font size 9 pt.
Serial numbers are assigned only to the most important formulas that are referenced in the text, the numbers are placed in parentheses at the right edge of the strip. Only sequential numbers can be used. Explanation of symbols in the formula (explication) is given in the order in which they are used in the formula.
The string begins with an explication of the word "where" (a colon is omitted). You can use the word "here" if the formula ends with the don before the start of explication. Numbers Re, Fr, St, Pr et al., signs of mathematical functions (sin, ctg, arcsin, ..., sh, Arsh, grad, rot, div, lim, exp, ln, lg, etc.), chemical elements and compounds (Cu, H-O-H, C2H5OH), as well as const definitions are put with the usual (non italic) font.
The legend of the values of the upper and lower indices may not use the letters of the Russian alphabet.
When typing formulas need to use a special editor - Mathtype or MS Equation 3.0 , included with Microsoft Office.
The formulas that are referenced in the text, numbered and arranged in the center of the line, number of the formula should be the right aligned. After each formula according to the context should be punctuation (comma, period, etc.). The formulas do not need to use the letters of the Russian alphabet. For example: (1)
Physical units. In the preparation of the manuscript one should be guided by the International System of Units (SI). Using text abbreviations for units without numerical values of variables as well as putting them in line with the formulas is not permitted. The units should be in usual (non italic) font (Pa W / m2, J / (kg • K), and so on. D.).
List of references should start with the heading "REFERENCES" and include a numbered list of sources. Font size - 9 pt. Authors' names are in italics. Information about the sources should be placed in the list in order of appearance of references to sources in the text. The bibliography should not include unpublished materials.
References should include from 15 to 50 titles, as a must - recent articles of no more than 5 years old. List shouldn't include more than 30% of other articles by the authors of current article.
When referring to articles published in the "Vestnik of the Samara State Technical University", be sure to specify the name of the series.
References in the text are given in square brackets, for example [1], [2,3], [4-7], [4, p. 125].