1.1. The journal «Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Technical Sciences Series» is the periodical scientific edition published by Samara State Technical University since 1993. The main purposes of publishing include development of research activities, highly qualified specialists training and support of leading scientific schools.
1.2. Since 2011 the journal is a quarterly printed edition (four issues a year); issue size – 200 pages; language of articles – Russian, English.
1.3. The journal is published in printed and electronic version. The full-text electronic version of journal is hosted by the web-site of scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU (http://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=11971) and by the web-site of Samara State Technical University (http://vestnik-teh.samgtu.ru).
1.4. The journal is published at the expense of publisher. All materials are publishing free of charge, the author's fee is not provided. All materials of the electronic version are freely available.
1.5. Since May 2018 the journal publishes the original results of fundamental researches on sections:
05.13.00 - «Informatics, Computer Science and Control»,
05.11.00 - «Instrumentation, Metrology and Informative-measurings devices and systems»,
05.09.00 - «Electrical Engineering».
1.6. The contributed article should be a completed scientific research. The scientific results must be novel and should not have been published, or be in process of publication in other editions.
1.7. The publisher consider the invited articles and reviews, materials of doctoral and candidate theses and the researches conducted with support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and other foundations, primarily.
1.8. Only one article of the same could be published in the current issue, if there are several ones in editor’s hand. This article is chosen by the editorial board. The second one could be published in next issue, and so on. The editorial board is entitled to make a decision of publishing at most two articles of the same author simultaneously on extraordinary occasions.
1.9. Samara State Technical University as a founder and publisher of the periodical scientific edition «Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Technical Sciences Series» takes full accountability for control and management of all stages of publising articles as well as accepts its etical and other obligations related to publishing.
1.10. The present Guidelines come into effect from the date of online publishing on web-site of the Journal (http://vestnik-teh.samgtu.ru). The changes of Guidelines come into effect from the date of online publishing of the Guidelines new version.