Rapoport E.Y. ( SSTU, Doctor of Engineering, Prof. , editor-in-chief of Engineering Series)
Minakova I.G. (SSTU, secretary of Engineering Series)
Abakumov A.M. ( SSTU, Russia, Doctor of Engineering, Prof.)
Baake E. (Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, Prof.)
Batishchev V. I. ( SSTU, Russia, Doctor of Engineering, Prof.)
Zimin L.S. ( SSTU, Russia, Doctor of Engineering, Prof.)
Kazarinov L.S. (South Ural State University, National Research University, Russia, Doctor of Engineering, Prof.)
Kolosov O.S. (Moscow Power Engineering Institute National Research University, Russia, Doctor of Engineering, Prof.)
Kuznetsov P. K. ( SSTU, Russia, Doctor of Engineering, Prof.)
Lachin V.I. (South-Russian State Technical University (NPI), Russia, Doctor of Engineering, Prof.)
Livshits M.Y. ( SSTU, Russia, Doctor of Engineering, Prof.)
Nacke B. (Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, Prof.)
Orlov S. P. (SSTU, Russia, Doctor of Engineering, Prof.)
Pevzner L.D. (Moscow State Mining University, Russia, Doctor of Engineering, Prof.)
Pleshivtseva Y.E. (SSTU, Russia, Doctor of Engineering, Prof.)
Tian V. K. (SSTU, Russia, Doctor of Engineering, Prof.)
Forzan M. (The University of Padua, Italy, Prof.)